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                Inside out 啤酒释放你的情绪




                每一瓶啤酒都有◆其独特的情感味道,如果你心情不好,它Ψ 会让你感到振奋;如果你已经感到阳光明媚,它会让你的积极气氛更加活跃。每个标签都有一个基于它所代表的情感的独特设计:喜悦、悲伤、愤怒、爱、害羞和恐惧。每个标签的显著特征是引人注目的调色板和与各种情绪相关的图形元素,增强了与消费者的情绪在味觉和眼睛上的互动。此外,标签上还附有一些提示,以排字设计的形式表达情感。


                Beer is associated with letting off the stream and releasing emotional blockage. Beer reveals the true colors of our emotions, make them stronger and more authentic. The series of beer labels was inspired by Inside Out Movie from Disney. Inside Out, the name of the beer, is the message of expressing all our emotions, as shown in the animation of the same name.
                Each bottle of beer has its unique emotional taste that will make you feel uplifted if you are in a bad mood, and will vibe up your positive aura if you are already feeling sunny. Each label will have a unique design base on the emotion it represents: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Love, Shyness, and Fear. The distinct feature of each label is the eye-catching color palette and the graphic elements that are connected with each type of emotions, enhancing the interaction with the consumer’s emotions, both on the palate and in the eye. Also, the labels carry tips to release emotions in form of typo designs.

                From: 包装世界

                All images and artworks are copyrighted by their respective authors.
                ? lostlocoscomedy.com 转载请注明出处


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