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                Do not Care 我的发型我做主

                Do not Care是一系列高品质,天然手工制作的ㄨ个人护发产品,旨在⊙使头发更加自然和健康。





                包装体现了拥有自然头发的快乐和幸福。该品牌致力于成功让消费者爱上自己的头发,就像它的标语一样,“I DON’T CARE I LOVE IT!”。品牌名称“Do not Care”进一步用口号“GOOD HAIR DO NOT CARE”代表这一点。





                Don’t Care is a line of high quality, naturally handcrafted personal hair care products that intend to make them more natural and healthy.
                The branding is set to be optimistic and funky reflecting the new urban and modernistic lifestyle and self care.
                The packaging reflects the joy and happiness of having natural hair and to not care. The brand works to successfully let consumers love their hair, just the way it is with the tagline, “I DON’T CARE I LOVE IT!”. The brand name Don’t Care further works to represent this with the slogan, GOOD HAIR DON’T CARE.
                This is also reflected in the types of products available which are for curly, messy/wavy, oily, straight, afro, damaged, and dyed hair.


                From: 包装世界


                All images and artworks are copyrighted by their respective authors.

                ? lostlocoscomedy.com 转载请注ζ 明出处


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