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                天然宠物食品品牌 – Hati Food 为什么放弃传统包装的可视化方法

                Hati Food 项目长期从事猫狗天@ 然食品的生产和销售。此外,该公司一直在Instagram上进▽行培训,并获得了大量粉丝的关注。


                宠物的祖先是掠食者,不久ξ前被人类驯化,并且在遗传上倾向于吃新鲜的骨头,静脉和软骨。生食中,保留了所有宠物需要的必『要的元素。Hati Food将自己定位为具有独特↘配方的优质宠物饲料,这就是为什∑么决定开发与竞争对手不同的「包装设计,放弃传统的宠物品牌可视化方法←。

                动物形象在不同的民族文化中●广泛传播,不仅存在于视〒觉艺术中,而且在文学和戏剧中也是如此。图腾动物岩画,东方※神庙的浅浮雕,所有这些东西告诉我们人类对↘动物的长期崇拜。在现代世界Ψ 中,对宠物的崇拜并没有消失,只是加快了步伐。要实现这一事实,只需ζ 访问任何专门的论坛,展◇览或宠物店。

                Hati Food project has been producing and selling natural feed for cats&dogs for long time. As well the company has been conducting training blos in Instagram and has raised a big number of fellowers.
                The brand idea is in the basic phrase- “Food,not feed”. Hati is nature relevant feed, high class fresh meet, fruits,vegetables, berries,greenery.
                Pets ancestors are predators domesticated not long time ago and genetically predisposed to eat fresh meet with bones,veins and cartilage. Its just raw food that preserves unbroken all the necessary elements for pets active life. Hati Food is placed as premium pets feed for domestic animals with unique formula and it was the reason to create package design different from competitors and to refuse usual ways of imaging pets brands.

                From: 包装世界

                All images and artworks are copyrighted by their respective authors.
                ? lostlocoscomedy.com 转载请注明出处


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