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                Hill’s 推出科学饮食的新宠物食品包装设计




                Hill’s 科学饮食的全新设计主题是“给你的宠物♂带来快乐、健康的生活,并提供科学『的营养,给你的狗或猫他们茁壮成长所需要的东西。



                每只宠物旁边都会出现“帮助900万ξ 住房宠物寻找永远的家园”,以※突显希尔长期致力于提供营养救援宠物需要健康和可采↘用的长期承诺。
                知道宠物主人希望宠物的食物透明,包装清楚地显Ψ 示了食物的粗磨大小和食物质地以↓及配方中用于增加味道吸引力的真正食物成分。



                Hill’s 美国公司副总裁兼总经理 Jesper Nordengaard 继续说道:“我们的非常关注并且倾听宠物▅主人的问题。我们需要让我们的产品背后的科学不言而喻,更加平易近人。” 我们还需要与宠物摄影产生内心的情绪反应,因此宠物主人可以将健康快乐的宠物与包装联系起来。重新设计的一切都让消费者更容易看到Hill’s 科学饮食可以为他们的宠物带来的转变。


                A Fresh Look for The Leading Science-Based Pet Nutrition: Hill’s Science Diet Introduces New Packaging Design for Dog & Cat Food
                “We are thrilled to introduce a fresh look for Hill’s Science Diet at an exciting time in the pet nutrition world,” said Jennifer Giannotti-Genes, Associate Global Design Director for Hill’s at Colgate-Palmolive. “The redesign is a natural evolution for this unique brand, highlighting the transformative effects of science-based nutrition on the lifelong health and wellbeing of pets. From the impactful photography that radiates good health to clearly stated sciencebased benefits and real food ingredients, the new designs beautifully convey Hill’s mission to help enrich and lengthen the special relationship between people and their pets. .”
                “Engaging pet parents at shelf with more emotion was key- we wanted to show pets at their best, at each stage of their lives, bringing out their unique characteristics, personalities and truly capturing what they look like in real life” said Luca Torregiani, Hill’s Design Manager at Colgate-Palmolive.


                All images and artworks are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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